Walking Pad Revolution – How I Boosted My Step Count and Health in the Garden

In the ever-evolving world of home fitness, walking pads have emerged as a game-changer for those seeking to increase their daily activity. As an avid gardener and health enthusiast, I discovered an innovative way to combine my love for nature with my fitness goals. Here’s how a compact walking pad transformed my outdoor routine and led to remarkable results.

The Garden Walking Pad Experiment

After extensive research, I purchased a Homefitnesscode Q2 Pro Walking Pad on Black Friday 2023 for €219. This portable treadmill became my secret weapon for staying active while enjoying my beloved garden. I set an ambitious goal: to walk 200km on my walking pad over seven weeks.


Day 1 of 10000 steps everyday for 100 days! I got this walking pad off of TikTok shop, pretty much the only way to make this possible as a busy mom who works from home and Rosa business! Y’all want to join me? #10ksteps #walkingchallenge #hotmomsummer #tiktokmademebuyit #tiktokmademedoit #tiktokmademebuythis #tiktokshopfinds

♬ original sound – IG: @teannascot

Impressive Results

To my amazement, I shed 19 kilos (about 42 pounds) in just six weeks! This dramatic weight loss wasn’t solely due to the walking pad, but the combination of consistent exercise and being surrounded by the inspiring beauty of my garden led to significant changes in my lifestyle.

Integrating the Walking Pad into Garden Life

I use my walking pad consistently during:

  • Virtual meetings at my standing desk (when I’m just listening)
  • Evening hours while enjoying the sunset in my backyard

Initially, 2.5 mph was a comfortable walking speed. After a year of consistent use, I now walk comfortably at 3 to 3.2 mph, marking noticeable progress.

Tracking Progress

While I haven’t always hit my overall daily step goals, my fitness tracker confirms:

  • I’m getting more steps and burning more calories than before
  • Over the course of a year, I increased my average daily steps by 1,000
  • My new goal is to add another 1,000 steps per day in 2025

Benefits Beyond Step Count

  1. Improved mood with daily exposure to nature and sunlight
  2. Enhanced productivity – brainstorming garden plans while walking
  3. Better sleep quality
  4. Deeper connection with my garden space

Overcoming Challenges

Despite initial muscle soreness and occasional vertigo, I’ve found ways to manage these issues:

  • Staying well-hydrated
  • Gradually slowing down at the end of walks
  • Keeping my eyes forward to reduce motion sickness

The Perfect Balance

While the walking pad has been transformative, I still take advantage of nice weather to walk outdoors whenever possible. A stroll to the local nursery or around the neighborhood complements my garden walking pad routine perfectly.


Incorporating a walking pad into my garden routine has not only helped me achieve my fitness goals but also deepened my connection with my outdoor space. Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast looking to increase your activity level or a fitness buff seeking a more inspiring environment for your workouts, the garden walking pad method might be the perfect way to cultivate both your garden and your health.

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